Horsing Around Post Mortem.

Overall I am pretty happy with this. All the programming works as intended, the map looks pretty nice overall. There are some areas where maybe I wish I dressed up a bit more. If time had allowed, I would have loved to make a pixel art horse with animations for the player to play as.

There are a few things that I would improve on if I were to attempt this again. The main thing being that, it is not 100% clear if the player picks the wrong option. Yeah, the game takes them on a longer path but there is nothing explicitly stating what was the correct/incorrect answer. If I were to change that I would perhaps have the wrong answers lead to a dead end, with a sign that says the correct answer at the end. It still causes the player to face the time loss penalty but it does clearly educate them on what is the correct path. As one of the main reasons I personally like trivia games is that even if I get the answer wrong, I like being told what the correct one was, as I will learn something new. So I think it would have been good feedback for the player to tell them what the right answer was more clearly.

Another area for improvement could be the implementation of the starvation timer. It just is kinda ugly just as red text in the top corner, and is possible to even miss at first. I would make a better UI.

Another improvement that could be made is adding sound. I always forget about sound in my games. Just little nature sounds and the clip-clop of hooves would have made the game less dead and silent.

Lastly, I feel the ending when the player successfully completes the maze is very non-existent. There should have been some kind of feedback, like “YAY YOU DID IT!”, but instead the game just closes and it's boring.

Ultimately, I am very pleased with the actual gameplay. It is very smooth the way the signs pop onto screen when the player overlaps them and goes away then the player walks away. There is no excessive clicking with the mouse on signs in order to close and open them. The game just does it for you, which funny enough, was done out of me being lazy with coding and not wanting to write all these button pressing functions, basically a little happy accident. 

This game was also nice for me to practice using the actual map building tools in Godot, like the tilemap for example, and painting collisions. Nothing new to me but nice to practice it again. Same thing with some of the sprite animations, in certain areas in the map I threw some farm animals that just stand there and do an idle animation. It was a good reminder on using the Animated Sprite 2D.